May 17, 2017


Effective Parenting

Effective Parenting

We are an approved provider with the state of Florida Department of Children and Family to provide the parenting course



We work with individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD and more.


Consulting, Staffing and Training

CST by Oasis, We help individuals who want to find a fulfilling career that utilizes their strengths and complements their values and interests.

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A Source for Complete Wellness


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We enrich and empower the individuals and families that we serve and to inspire people to make positive decisions which will help them become productive citizens.


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The Cost of Care

By Maggie Dulcio, LMHC, CAP

I recently heard Dee Hutchins, a former basketball coach and retired teacher, speak on what we need to do to take good care of ourselves.  He is a health expert and has had the opportunity to rub elbows with many renowned individuals in the sports world.  He has worked with and trained several athletes.  He truly believes that the body is our temple and we need to do whatever necessary to maintain it.  Dee made it very simple, he said if we wanted to take good care of ourselves we needed to do these four simple things: have a good night sleep, drink plenty of water, be active and eat well.

Sleep is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing.  According to the American Psychological Association (APA) 60% of adults report having sleep problems a few nights during the week.  Additionally, 69% of children experience one or more sleep problems a few nights a week.  Although individual sleep needs vary, most adults need between six to eight (6-8) hours of sleep per night.  Benefits of a good night sleep include: improved mood, better health, better weight control, better memory and better focus.  Many studies have been conducted and results are the same, sleep deprivation affects mental and physical wellness.                                                                                                                         

                                                                            sleep picmonk

Another important key to wellness is ensuring we drink plenty of water daily.  The human body is made up of 65% water.  Unfortunately, many of us are not drinking enough water.  Water helps keep our temperature regulated, lubricate and cushion joints and get rid of wastes through urination, perspiration and bowel movements.

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If we want to be healthy, we need to be active.  Exercise is one of the most important activity for your health. Physical activity can help combat many health conditions and diseases.  It can reduce the risk of heart disease and Type II Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome.  Being active can also reduce the risk of some cancers and control one’s weight.  Studies have shown that exercise can improve Mental Health and improve mood.  It also will boost energy and promote better sleep.

Lastly, a balanced diet is vital for good health and well-being.  Food provides our bodies with energy, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to grow and function properly.  Daily food choices make a big difference in our health.  Good nutrition can help reduce risk of some diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, strokes, some cancer and osteoporosis.  Good nutrition will improve the ability to recover from illness and injury and increase energy level.  Nutritious meals mean your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it need to work its best.  Our body needs plenty of fruits and vegetables daily.  We need to eat plenty of whole grains and should drink low-fat or fat-free milk.  It is also recommended that we eat lean meats or replace meats and poultry with fish, beans or tofu.

It is estimated that two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese.  Additionally, the US Department of Agriculture, reports a healthier diet could prevent at least $71 billion per year in medical costs and lost lives.  75% of healthcare dollars are spent on treating preventable diseases.  Dee Hutchins said something that resonated with me.  He said sleep, water, exercise are essentially free!  Basically, three out of the four important thinks we need to do to take good care of ourselves is free.  It only require some efforts on our part.  We know that the cost of proper nutrition is a challenge that many faces.  Buying fruits and vegetables and healthy meals can get a bit expensive.  Although eating proper nutritious meals may be more costly than eating food lacking nutritious value, ultimately we end up saving more due to the healthcare cost savings from preventing diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease to name a few.  Another challenge that we face is that due to harsh processing and manufacturing of food, there’s a dietary void and food vital nutrients are damaged through the course of production or harvest.  Sadly, we might be spending the money but just not getting the needed nutrients from our food because it’s simply not there.

I’m a distributor for a great natural health company and the core ingredient for their products is the Moringa Oleifera plant.  moringa infographic

They have a nutritional product, the SuperMix which contain all nine essential amino acids, plus nine additional amino acids.  The supplement contains vital proteins, omega oils, all the required vitamins and minerals our body needs. By consuming this nutrition regularly, it can help control food cravings and allow us to feel more sustained.  Some of the health benefits of this nutrition include nourishing the body’s immune system, promoting healthy digestion, helping maintain healthy blood sugar levels, increasing energy, heightening mental clarity, promoting healthy circulation and delivering anti-inflammatory support.

For additional information visit:


About Oasis Counseling

Oasis Counseling- The mission of Oasis Counseling is to enrich and empower the individuals and families that we serve and to inspire people to make positive decisions which will help them become productive citizens. We work with individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD and more. We also deal with domestic violence, substance abuse and anger issues. We help people manage their life and help guide them to make better life choices.


905 South Kings Avenue,

Brandon, FL 33511

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